THE ROGUES is a production company dedicated to crafting captivating fiction and documentary films for both adults and children. Our name, inspired by the famous story of Robin Hood, symbolizes our mission: to fearlessly embark on creative journeys, working closely with an ever evolving, inspiring band of free spirits who aim to challenge and touch the world around them.
The first feature film, About That Life (Shady El-Hamus), was released in 2019 and won two Golden Calves (Best Screenplay and Best Male Supporting Actor). The second feature film, I Don’t Wanna Dance directed by Flynn von Kleist and written by Jeroen Scholten van Aschat, premiered at Movies That Matter and was released in cinemas in 2021. I Don’t Wanna Dance was nominated for two Golden Calves, won the Gryphon Award for Best Film in the category 13+, and was also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the Locarno Kids Screenings, and BUFF. The latest feature film, Bite by Guido Coppis, celebrated its world premiere during IFFR 2024.
Currently, we’re in pre-production of “Wheelie,” a feature film by Isis Cabolet in collaboration with broadcaster BNNVARA and Grom Productions.
In development, among others, are the animated children’s film Fish out of Water by Sanne Brouwer, the short animation “Beer is nooit alleen” based on the work of writer Marc Veerkamp and illustrator Jeska Verstegen, to be directed by Boris Sverlow, and the feature film “Schuld” by Saskia Diesing and Gerry de Hoogh.